the Urban Dharma Podcast Mail Bag:
Suffering is optional / This podcast is like a
cup of hot chocolate and a warm blanket made just for
Buddhists. I love it. - Xuochi
Accidental Buddhist / I was curious about Buddhism and
stumbled on to this podcast, or did I? / I totally relate to
Rev Kusala’s sense of humor, love of motorcycles, the blues
chocolate cake and cats. I’ve learned many things listening to
his words of wisdom and lifetime of experience. ' Keep on
Truckin Kusala - Brad N.
have been listening to your podcasts as I drive around
Sydney, Australia. I am a beginner in Buddhism and your
podcasts have really helped and inspired me to continue
the path.
Thank you for sharing the dharma, it has been a gift. Warm
regards, F. W. S. - PS, Just went on my first
mediation retreat this weekend!"
thought I'd let you know that I absolutely love listening
to your podcasts. They're very informative and
are great to listen to whenever I need a reminder to
be more mindful, whether that is after a hard day of
work or just while putting away the laundry." - M.S.,
want to compliment you on and thank you for your Urban
Dharma Podcasts. I listen to them with great joy. You have
the gift to bring buddhist knowledge in a very down to
earth way. I like your style." - P.H., The Netherlands
just wanted to thank you for providing me with information
on Buddhism via your podcast. I listen to them on my
way to and from work and what prompted me to write you
the fact that I actually understand what you are teaching."
- Rick, USA
you for your podcasts. I have begun to really understand
the practical application of some of the Buddhist precepts
I have felt for some time 'should' work, but whose meaning,
significance, and everyday relevance I could never understand.
To this fairly slow-to-convince tradition based English
guy, you have succeeded where Christmas Humphreys never
quite did. Thanks very much Kusala; I think I may be
even ready/eager for some meditation now for the first
time. Best wishes and thank you again - I am grateful
for the time & effort you spend getting your stuff
out online. Just wanted you to know." - R. B., Manchester,
-- Kusala's Urban Dharma
Podcasts --
What Dies - 3.2.25 - A Sunday
Talk at the IBMC, Los Angeles, CA
The Practice of Service - 2.16.25 - A Sunday
Talk in Ventura, CA @ the UU Church of Ventura.
The Wisdom in Buddhism - 10.6.24 - A Sunday
Talk in Ventura, CA at the Center for Spiritual Living.
The Five Precepts - 9.1.24 -
A Sunday Talk at the IBMC, Los
Angeles, CA.
Finding Buddhism in the 1970's - 8.4.24 -
A Sunday Talk at the IBMC, Los Angeles, CA
Urban Dharma Book Event NYC - 7.28.24 - Book
Event at the Shantideva Center in Brooklyn NY
Urban Dharma the Book - 5.5.24 - A Sunday
talk on the Making the Urban Dharma book, IBMC Los Angeles, CA
Why Stuff Happens - 11.5.23 - A Sunday
Talk at the IBMC, Los Angeles, CA.
To Be or Not To Be - 9.10.23 - A Sunday
Talk in Ventura, CA at the Center for Spiritual Living
Building a Practice - 8.6.23 - A Sunday
Talk at the IBMC, Los Angeles, CA.
Three Path Factors - Right Effort, Mindfulness and
Concentration - 6.4.23 - A Sunday Talk at
the IBMC, Los Angeles, CA.
Three Path Facrtors - Right Speech, Action and Livelihood
- 5.28.23 - A Sunday Talk at the UU Church
of Ventura, Ventura CA
The Second Path Factor - 4.2.23 - A Sunday
Talk at the IBMC, Los Angeles, CA.
The First Path Factor - 3.5.23 - A Sunday
Talk at the IBMC, Los Angeles, CA.
Letting Go - 6.30.2015 - A Sunday talk at
'Against the Stream' Hollywood, CA
Motorcycles and Meditation - 3.22.23 -
YouTube Video - On "This Motorcycle Life"
Bruce Philp Interview's Kusala on Meditation, Motorcycles
and much more.
Buddha Dharma - Talks and Thoughts -
2.19.23 - A Sunday talk at the Sunshine Meditation Center,
Garden Grove, CA
Mindfulness Meditation and More - 12.3.22
- A Saturday Talk at Leisure World, Seal Beach, CA
Concentration Meditation and More -
11.5.22 - A Saturday Talk at Leisure World, Seal Beach, CA
The Future Ain't What It Used To Be - 8.21.22
- A Sunday Talk in Ventura, CA at the Center for Spiritual
The Five Hindrances - 7.24.22 - A Sunday
talk at the Redondo Beach Center for Spiritual Living,
Redondo Beach, CA
Choosing Goodness As a Practice - 6.12.22
- A Sunday talk at the Redondo Beach Center for Spiritual
Living, Redondo Beach, CA
Eightfold Path - 5.7.22 - A Saturday Talk
at Leisure World, Seal Beach, CA
Introduction to Buddhism - 4.9.22 -
A Saturday Talk at Leisure World, Seal Beach, CA
Just When You think it's Over - 3.20.22 -
Sunday Talk at the UU Church of Ventura, CA
Meditation and the Eightfold Path -
2.13.22 -
Sunday Talk at the IBMC -
Los Angeles, CA
The Four Truths - 1.30.22 -
Sunday Talk at the IBMC -
Los Angeles, CA
Thrings of Interest - 1.9.22 -
Sunday Talk at the IBMC -
Los Angeles, CA
With the Flow - 1.2.22 - Sunday talk to
the UU Congregation at Montclair, CA
The Buddha's Enlightenment / The Four Watches
- (Video) - 12.19.21 - Sunday
Talk in Ventura, CA at the Center for Spiritual Living
It's Already Broken - 11.14.21 -
Sunday Talk at the
Studio City UU Church
Some Thoughts on Buddhist Practice - 10.3.21 -
Sunday Talk at the IBMC -
Los Angeles, CA
The Five Aggregates - 9.5.21 -
Sunday Talk at the IBMC -
Los Angeles, CA
Who Am I Really? - 8.29.21 - Sunday
Talk at CSL Simi Valley, CA
Self - Not Self ...Which One - 8.1.21 -
Sunday Talk at the IBMC -
Los Angeles, CA
Building Merit With the Precepts - 7.4.21
Sunday Talk at the IBMC -
Los Angeles, CA
Back Into the World - 6.6.21 - 23 Min. -
Sunday Talk at the IBMC -
Los Angeles
(Notes in PDF from the Sunday Talk)
The Heart Sutra - 5.2.21 - 34 Min. -
Sunday Talk at the IBMC -
Los Angeles
This Motorcycle Life / My Story - 10.30.20
- 1 Hour 40 Min - Bruce Philp interviewed me on motorcycle
riding and Buddhism for his podcast "This Motorcycle Life"
5 Ways to Change Your Karma - (Video) -
8.10.20 - 24 Min - Sunday Talk in Ventura, CA at the
Center for Spiritual Living
Be Here Now - (Video) - 6.8.2020 - 26 Min
- Sunday Talk in Ventura, CA at the Center for Spiritual
The Five Remembrances - 3.8.20 - 29 Min -
Sunday Talk in Ventura, CA at the Center for Spiritual
Meditation Is Letting Go - 2.2.20 - 27
Min. -
Sunday Talk at the IBMC -
Los Angeles
High School Talk -
10.8.19 - 45 Min. - My
Dharma talk at Palos Verdes High School.
Meditation & Waiting - 10.6.19 -
30:45 - My Sunday Talk at the IBMC -
Los Angeles
On Becoming Buddhist - 9.1.19 -
31:26 - My talk to the Unitarian Universalist Congregation
in Fullerton, CA
Karma in Life and Death - (Video) 8.18.19 - My
talk at the Center for Spiritual Living - Redondo Beach, CA
Faith in Buddhism? - 5.26.19 - 38:06 - My
talk at the 'Rise Up in Faith' retreat (5.24 - 5.27. 2019)
Lake Arrowhead, CA
Death, Dying and Rebirth on Vesak - 5.5.19 - 26:57 -
My Sunday talk at the 'The
International Buddhist Meditaton Center' in Los Angeles, CA
Gratitude and the IBMC -
3.3.19 - 15:23 -
My Sunday talk at the 'The
International Buddhist Meditaton Center' in Los Angeles, CA
Path - The Goal - The Raft - 2.3.19 - 19:54 -
My Sunday talk at the 'The
International Buddhist Meditaton Center' in Los Angeles, CA
Letting Go
- 1.29.19 - 20:55 - My Sunday talk at the 'The
International Buddhist Meditaton Center' in Los Angeles, CA
"Religion, Precepts and Dying Well"
- 1.16.19 - 27:40 - My talk at a High School (10.16.18) in
Torrance, CA
What is Bodhi Day - (Video) - 12.23.18 -
24:04 - My Sunday talk (11.4.18) at the 'Center for
Spiritual Living' in Ventura, CA
Why Stuff Happens
- 12.5.18 - 24:28 - My Sunday talk
(12.2.18) at the 'The International Buddhist Meditaton Center'
in Los Angeles, CA
"Growing Old With a Smile" - 11.5.18 - 16:43 - My Sunday talk (11.4.18) at the 'Center for Spiritual Living' in Ventura, CA -
"Becoming a Buddhist: My Story"
- (YouTube Video) 8.19.18 - 24:16 - My Sunday talk (8.19.18)
at the 'Center for Spiritual Living' in Redondo Beach, CA
"Practice Makes Perfect - #3"
- 8.5.18 - 31:50 - My Sunday talk (08.05.18) at the 'The
International Buddhist Meditaton Center' in Los Angeles, CA
"Practice Makes Perfect - #2" - 7.22.18 - 46:11 - My Sunday talk (07.22.18) at the 'Against the Stream' on Melrose in Hollywood CA
"Practice Makes Perfect - #1" - 7.1.18 - 22:06 - My Sunday talk (07.01.18) at the 'The International Buddhist Meditaton Center' in Los Angeles, CA
"Thoughts on the Heart Sutra" - 6.3.18 - 28:43 - My Sunday talk (06.03.18) at the 'The International Buddhist Meditaton Center' in Los Angeles, CA
"The Business of Buddhism" - 5.27.18 - 41:50 - My Sunday talk (05.27.18) at the 'Against the Stream' on Melrose in Hollywood CA
"Growing Old With Dharma" - 4.22.18 - 41:25 - My Sunday talk (04.22.18) at the 'Against the Stream' on Melrose in Hollywood CA
"Who Was the Buddha?" - 4.8.18 - 30:16 - My Sunday talk (4.8.18) at the 'Center for Spiritual Living' in Ventura, CA
"Aging and The Aggregates." - 2.25.18 - 23.05 - My Sunday talk (01.28.18) at the 'Against the Stream' on Melrose in Hollywood CA.
"Understanding Buddhism" - 2.4.18 - 35:03 - My Sunday talk (02.04.18) at the 'The International Buddhist Meditaton Center' in Los Angeles, CA.
"Why Stuff Happens" - 1.28.18 - 44:06 - My Sunday talk (01.28.18) at the 'Against the Stream' on Melrose in Hollywood CA.
"Obstacles to Meditation" - 1.13.18 - 37:52- Another talk (1.13.18) from the 'Day of Mindfulness Retreat' at the UU Church of Ventura, CA
"Living The Precepts" - 1.13.18 - 43:43 - My talk (1.13.18) for the 'Day of Mindfulness Retreat' at the UU Church of Ventura, CA.
"More Than One" - 11.26.17 - 46:22 - My Sunday talk (11.26.17) at the 'Against the Stream' on Melrose in Hollywood CA.
"A Question of Faith" - 11.5.17 - 24:22 - My Sunday talk (11.5.17) at the 'The International Buddhist Meditaton Center' in Los Angeles, CA.
"Birth, Death and Everything in Between" - 10.15.17 - 25 min - My Sunday talk at the 'Center for Spiritual Living' in Ventura, CA
"High School Dharma" - 10.9.17 - 45 min - My talk at Palos Verdes High School on basic Buddhism.
"Meditation" - 10.1.17 - 35 min - My Sunay talk at the IBMC on Buddhist meditation.
"The Buddhist Path: Building a Foundation" - 8.27.17 - 37 min. - My Sunday talk at the 'Against the Stream' on Melrose in Hollywood, CA
"Life is Like a JPEG" - 8.13.17 - 16 min. - My Sunday talk at the 'Center for Spiritual Living' in Ventura, CA
"Being Free" - 7.2.17 - 34 min. - My Sunday talk at the IBMC on... "Buddhism and Being Free"
"Building a Life" - 6.4.17 - 23 min - My Sunday talk at the International Buddhist Meditation Center in Los Angeles on building a life the Buddhist way.
"The Karma of Waiting" - 5.28.17 - 31 min - My talk at the 'Against the Stream' on Melrose in Hollywood, CA
"A Good Life" - 5.24.17 - 40 min - My talk at the NETMCDO (The Network of Music Career Development Officers) 2017 annual conference in Los Angeles, CA
"The Hindrances and Happiness" - (YouTube Video) - 4.23.17 - 24 min - My Sunday talk at the Center for Spiritual Living - Ventura. CA
"Quotes and Kindness"
- 2.26.17 - 47 min - About the quotes I post on Facebook... A nice springboard for my Dharma talk at 'Against the Stream' in Hollywood, CA
"Finding Happiness" - 2.14.17 - 14 min - A talk I gave in 2012 on finding happiness and Mitch the Dog.
'Wisdom and Compassion in the Present Moment' - 1.22.17 - 44 min - My talk at 'Against the Stream' in Hollywood, CA
It's Always the First Time - (YouTube Video) - 1.1.17 - 34 min - My new years day talk to the Monte Vista UU Congregation in Montclair CA
"The Essence of Buddhism" - 12.11.16 - 29 min - My Talk to the Conejo Valley Unitarian Universalist Fellowship in Newbury Park, CA
"The Best Way Out" - (YouTube Video) - 11.20.16 - 28 min - My talk at the "Center for Spiritual Living - Ventura, CA" on finding a way out of suffering.
"Nirvana vs Enlightenment" - 11.16.16 - 27 min - A talk I gave to an An Urban Studies class at the IBMC - Los Angeles, CA
"Accepting Life... The Buddhist Way" - 10.23.16 - 44 min - My talk at 'Against the Stream' in Hollywood, CA
"High School Buddhism" - 10.18.16 - 26 min - A talk I gave at 'Immaculate Heart All-Girl Catholic High School,' Hollywood, CA
"Benedict's Dharma 2 - 2003" - (YouTube Video) - April, 2003 - 10 min - Forty Episcopalian men and women gathered in historic New Harmony, Indiana.
"Love, Kindness and Compassion" - 9.26.16 - 42 min - My talk at 'Against the Stream' on Melrose in Los Angeles.
"Revisiting the Eightfold Path" - 9.15.16 - 15 min - My talk at a Catholic High School
"Why Stuff Happens" - (YouTube Video) - 9.11.16 - 46 min - My talk at the International Buddhist Meditation Center
"God and So Much More" - 9.15.16 - 37 min - My talk at a Catholic High School
Buddhist Wisdom - 8.28.16 - 48 min - My talk at 'Against the Stream' on Melrose in Los Angeles.
Being Grateful - 7.24.16 - 29 min. - My talk at 'Against the Stream' on Melrose in Los Angeles.
The Eight Ways We Suffer - 5.22.16 - 48 min - My talk at 'Against the Stream' on Melrose in Los Angeles.
Buddha's Birthday; Why it's Important - 5.1.16 - 25 min - My Sunday talk at the IBMC.
The Meaning of Life - 4.24.16 - 30 min - My talk at 'Against the Stream' on Melrose in Los Angeles.
Happiness in Buddhism - (YouTube Video) - 4/3/16 - 27 min - My talk at Center for Spiritual Living, Ventura, CA.
Building A Practice - 2/28/16 - 63 min - My talk at 'Against the Stream' on Melrose in Los Angeles.
The Six Perfections - (YouTube Video) - 2/21/16 - 34 min - At CSL Simi Valley on the Six Perfections - Generosity, Morality, Patience, Energy, Meditation and Wisdom.
The Five Reflections - 1/24/16 - 51 min - My talk at 'Against the Stream' on Melrose in Los Angeles.
Path and Journey - 12/28/15 - 39 min - When the path becomes the journey - My talk at 'Against the Stream'
The Six Perfections - 11/23/15 - 53 min - A talk to students visiting the International Buddhist Meditation Center.
Buddhist Meditation - 11/8/15 - 35 min - A talk on Buddhist Meditation at the International Buddhist Meditation Center.
Thoughts and Reflections on the Week that Was - 10/25/15 - 58 min - My talk at 'Against the Stream' on Melrose in Los Angeles.
Understanding Buddhism - 9/27/15 - 57 min - My talk at 'Against the Stream' on Melrose in Los Angeles.
Let Karma Be Your Guide - 8/23/15 - 56 min - My talk at 'Against the Stream' on Melrose in Los Angeles on "Letting Karma Be Your Guide."
Building a Good Life with Buddhism - (Video) 8/11/15 - 28 min - My Sunday talk at the, 'Center for Spiritual Living' in Ventura, CA on 8.9.15.
Why Stuff Happens - 7/26/15 - 42 min - My talk at 'Against the Stream' on Melrose in Los Angeles on "Why Stuff Happens."
Letting Go - 6/28/15 - 55 min - My talk at 'Against the Stream' on Melrose in Los Angeles on 'Letting Go'.
Buddhism and the Whitehead Conference - 6/7/15 - 1 hr 28 min - My talk at the 10th International Whitehead Conference... 'Buddhism, Process and Ecology'... Whitehead Program in PDF
Growing Old with Rites and Rituals - 5/24/15 - 45 min. - My talk at 'Against the Stream' on Melrose in Los Angeles on Buddhist rites and rituals.
Salvation in Buddhism - (Video) 4/12/15 - 26 min. - My talk Sunday (4.12.15) at the "Center for Spiritual Living" in Ventura on "In Search of Salvation."
Journey as Lifestyle - 4/10/15 - 33 min. - An excerpt from a talk (4.8.15) to an urban studies class on Buddhism and my journey as a Buddhist.
Finding Wholeness and Salvation in Buddhism - 3/23/15 - 59 min. - My talk (3/22/15) at "Against the Stream" on Melrose in Los Angeles, CA.
A Good Death - 2/22/15 - 61 Min. - My talk (2/22/15) at "Against the Stream" on Melrose in Los Angeles, CA on how meditation can help in having a good death.
Working on Perfection - (Video) - 2/2/15 - 29 Min. - My talk (1/18/15) at the 'Center for Spiritual Living' in Simi Valley, CA on three of the Buddhist perfections.
Some Thoughts on Life and Death - 1/25/15 - 27 Min. - My talk at "Against the Stream" on Melrose in Los Angeles, CA
My evolution as a Buddhist - 1/22/15 - 54 Min. - My talk at a local university to a comparative religions class in Los Angeles, CA
The Art and Science of Giving - 12/28/14 - 59 Min. - My Talk Sunday at 'Against the Stream' on Melrose Ave. Los Angeles, CA
Enlightenment - The Way Home - (Video) - 12/21/14 - 23 Min. - A Sunday talk at the, 'Center for Spiritual Living' in Ventura, CA
The Politics of Rebirth - 11/23/14 - 58 Min. - My Talk Sunday at 'Against the Stream' on Melrose Ave. Los Angeles, CA
Buddhism and Urban Studies - 11/19/14 - 1 Hour and 24 Min. - My talk to urban studies students on Buddhism and the Buddha.
Stillness, Silence and Letting Go - 10/27/14 - 57 Min. - My Talk Sunday at 'Against the Stream' on Melrose Ave. Los Angeles, CA
And the Zen Master Said... - 9/28/14 - 48 Min. - My talk at "Against the Stream" on Melrose in Los Angeles on Sept. 28, 2014
Buddhism and the Four Noble Truths - (Video) - 9/22/2014 - 22 Min. - My talk at the "Center for Spiritual Living" in Los Angeles on May 18, 2014
What if the Buddha said, "Who are you." - (Video) - 9/21/2014 - 23 Min. - My Talk at the "Center for Spiritual Living" in Simi Valley on Sept. 21, 2014
Day of the Dead - 8/24/14 - 57 Min. - My talk at 'Against the Stream' on death and dying. Aug. 24, 2014
Who Are You? - 8/14/2014 - 51 Min. - My talk at 'Against the Stream' in Santa Monica on what makes you, you... Aug. 11, 2014
Meditation - Part 2 - 7/2014 - 50 Min. - My talk at the "Center for Spiritual Living - LA" on Meditation - How and Why on July 15, 2014
Meditation - Part 1 - 7/2014 - 50 Min. - My talk at the "Center for Spiritual Living - LA" on Meditation - How and Why on July 15, 2014
Buddhism, Wisdom - Again - 7/2014 - 47 Min. - My talk at the "Sri Ratana Buddhist Center" in Anaheim CA on July 5, 2014
Wisdom in Buddhism - 6/2014 - 1 Hour - My talk at "Against the Stream" on Melrose in Los Angeles on June 22, 2014
Going to Heaven - 6/2014 - 35 Min. - My Talk (06.07.14) to the youth group (ages 7 to 14) at Sri Ratana Buddhist Center on, "How to go to heaven."
5 Precepts Song - 5/2014 - (Video) - 3 min. - A song for children on the 5 Precepts - Published on YouTube in 2012
Life and Death - 5/2014 - 60 min. - 43 MB // My talk at "Against the Stream" on Melrose in Los Angeles on May 25, 2014
The Four Noble Truths - 5/2014 - 22 min. - 20 MB // My talk at the Center for Spiritual Living - LA on May 18, 2014
The Buddha's Birthday - 4/2014 - 53 min. - 36 MB // My talk at 'Against the Stream' on Melrose. Talk was given on April 27, 2014
Wisdom of Meditation - 4/2014 - 46 min. - 32 MB // My talk to the youth of 'Sri Ratana Buddhist Center in Anaheim, CA. Talk was given on April 26, 2014
Urban Studies - Posted 4/2014 - 36 min. - 33 MB // My talk to 'Urban Studies' university students on Buddhism. This talk was given on April 9, 2014
The Wisdom of Compassion - Posted 4/2014 - (Video) - 35 min. // My talk at "The Center for Spiritual Living" in Ventura, CA. Talk was given March 23, 2014
Wisdom or Compassion - Posted 4/2014 - (Video) - 32 min. // My talk at "The Center for Spritiual Living" in Simi Valley, CA. Talk was given Feb. 16, 2014
A Little Morning Practice - Posted 6/2013 - 55 min. - 25 MB // My talk at 'Against the Stream' in Los Angeles. This talk was given on June 23, 2013
Women in the Life of the Buddha - Posted 5/2013 - 21 min. - 19 MB // My Talk at 'Center for Spiritual Living - Los Angeles.' This talk was given on May 12, 2013
Stories - The life of Pi and More - Posted 4/2013 - 1 hr and 4 min. - 29.1 MB // My talk at 'Against the Stream' in Los Angeles. This talk was given on April 28, 2013
Faith, Doubt, Vow and Effort - Posted 2/2013 - 1 hr and 3 min. - 27.5 MB // My talk at 'Against the Stream' in Los Angeles. This talk was given on Feb. 24, 2013
Compassion - Where Does it Come From? - Posted 8/2012 - 23 min - 21 MB // My talk at the UU Church in Studio City. This talk was given on July 1, 2012.
Realizing Nirvana - Posted 7/2012 - 40 min - 36 MB // My talk at 'Against the Stream' in Los Angeles. This talk was given in June of 2012.
A Life Worth Living - Posted 7/2012 - 45 min - 41 MB // My talk at 'Against the Stream' in Los Angeles. This talk was given in May of 2012.
The Practice of Loving-Kindness - Posted 4/2012 - 42 min - 19.7 MB // My talk at 'Against the Stream' in Los Angeles on the practice of Loving-Kindness in everyday life. This talk was given in February of 2012.
What We're All Here For - Posted 4/2012 - 53 min - 24 MB // My talk at 'Against the Stream' in Los Angeles on why we are here and what to do about it. This talk was given in January of 2012.
Potential and Realization - Posted 4/2012 - 46 min - 21 MB // My talk at 'Against the Stream' in Los Angeles on our potential and how it turns into realization. This talk was given in December of 2011.
Life and Death - Posted 4/2012 - 49 min - 22 MB // My talk at 'Against the Stream' in Los Angeles given in 2011.
Peace or Happiness - Posted 4/2012 - 61 min - 28 MB // My talk at 'Against the Stream' in Los Angeles given in 2011.
The Inevitability of Death - Posted 4/2012 - 56 min - 26 MB // My talk at 'Against the Stream' in Los Angeles given in 2011.
Two Tales of Woe - Posted 4/2012 - 44 min - 20 MB // My talk at 'Against the Stream' in Los Angeles given in 2011.
Beginning of Humankind - Posted 4/2012 - 60 min - 27 MB // My talk at 'Against the Stream' in Los Angeles given in 2011
- Classic Dharma Talks by Rev. Kusala -
My Journey as a Buddhist - Posted 5/2009 - 43 min - 10.1 MB // My talk at 'Against the Stream / Buddhist Meditation Society' on becoming a Buddhist and what I learned along the way. I spoke at Against the Stream on March 29, 2009.
The Path Is Not The Goal - Posted 8/2008 - 37 min - 8.6 MB // My talk at "One Spirit" Center for Conscious Living on why the path is not the goal. The featured singer was Margaret Owens, her web site is - - and my harmonica tune was backed my Andy Howe musical director of "One Spirit". -
The Four Immeasurables: Love, Compassion, Joy and Equanimity - Posted 8/2008 - 38 min - 8.7 MB // My talk at 'One Spirit' Center for Conscious Living on the Four Immeasurables and how to use of them in everyday life. -
Pizza and Theology - Posted 5/2008 - 46 min - 10.8 MB // A presentation by Sister Benedicta and myself on meditation and contemplation in our religious traditions to the UCL Catholic and Buddhist clubs. The presentations were made on 5/20/08 in the University Catholic Center at UCLA. It was an evening of pizza, friendship and dialog. The Carmelite Sisters web site -
Chadwick School 5-2008 - Posted 5/2008 - 44 min - 10.3 MB // My talk at Chadwick School on Buddhist morality, the five precepts and human perfection.
Enlightenment: What a Trip - Posted 3/2008 - 32 min - 7.5 MB // My talk at "One Spirit; Center for Conscious Living," on my understanding of Enlightenment according to Buddhism. Many thanks to Dr. Dennis Merritt Jones for the invitation to speak and Andy Howe musical director of the One Spirit band for making me look good. Web Site - /// Now available for Online listening - 'Flash Audio Player' - Click Here
My Talk at Cal Poly Pomona - Posted 2/2008 - 1 hr 22 min - 18.8 MB // My talk in 2007 at Cal Poly Pomona to a comparative religions class on basic Buddhism... The format
was more questions and answers, than a formal presentation. Web Site - Cal Poly Pomona
My Journey - Posted 2/2008 - 32 min - 7.4 MB // My talk at the Church of Religious Science in Glendale, CA on 12/15/2007
Calm Over Chaos / - Flash Video - Posted 1/2008 - 4 min // A video interview on meditation with Lissa Coffey for her web site Coffey Talk @ From Lissa's web site / Welcome to CoffeyTalk, the online magazine by lifestyle expert Lissa Coffey. Whether you’re looking for dating or relationship advice, or the latest in home and fashion trends, CoffeyTalk is an inspiring blend of ancient wisdom and modern style!
Montgomery High School - Posted 11/2007
- 1 hr 24 min - MP3 - 19.3 MB // My talk to a comparative
religions class at Bishop Montgomery Catholic High
School. I was invited to speak about Buddhism and
found that many of the students had a fine understanding
of basic Buddhism already, with many good questions.
- Bishop Montgomery High School web site:
Path to Voluntary Simplicity - Posted 11/2007
- 32 min - MP3 - 7.4 MB // My talk at the 1st Unitarian
Church of Los Angeles titled "Voluntary Simplicity" based
on a book by Duane Elgin. First published in 1981 "Voluntary
Simplicity" is about getting your choice back... Choosing
simplicity over complexity, voluntary over involuntary...
It's all about being free to choose.
Spring 07 - Class 5 Part 2 - Posted 9/2007 - 45 min - MP3 - 10.4 MB // The
Buddhist Eightfold Path - A Way To Happiness...
Class 2 part 1 of a ten part series of talks given
in the spring of 2007 on the Buddhist Eightfold
Path at Loyola Marymount University. This course
offers a detailed introduction to the Buddhist
Eightfold Path. The class web page can be found at: LMU
/ 07
Spring 07 - Class 5 Part 1 - Posted 9/2007 - 33 min - MP3 - 7.8 MB // The
Buddhist Eightfold Path - A Way To Happiness...
Class 2 part 1 of a ten part series of talks given
in the spring of 2007 on the Buddhist Eightfold
Path at Loyola Marymount University. This course
offers a detailed introduction to the Buddhist
Eightfold Path. The class web page can be found at: LMU
/ 07
Spring 07 - Class 4 Part 2 - Posted 9/2007 - 52 min - MP3 - 12 MB // The
Buddhist Eightfold Path - A Way To Happiness...
Class 2 part 1 of a ten part series of talks given
in the spring of 2007 on the Buddhist Eightfold
Path at Loyola Marymount University. This course
offers a detailed introduction to the Buddhist
Eightfold Path. The class web page can be found at: LMU
/ 07
Spring 07 - Class 4 Part 1 - Posted 9/2007 - 48 min - MP3 - 11.1 MB // The
Buddhist Eightfold Path - A Way To Happiness...
Class 2 part 1 of a ten part series of talks given
in the spring of 2007 on the Buddhist Eightfold
Path at Loyola Marymount University. This course
offers a detailed introduction to the Buddhist
Eightfold Path. The class web page can be found at: LMU
/ 07
Spring 07 - Class 3 Part 2 - Posted 9/2007 - 49 min - MP3 - 11.5 MB // The
Buddhist Eightfold Path - A Way To Happiness...
Class 2 part 1 of a ten part series of talks given
in the spring of 2007 on the Buddhist Eightfold
Path at Loyola Marymount University. This course
offers a detailed introduction to the Buddhist
Eightfold Path. The class web page can be found at: LMU
/ 07
Spring 07 - Class 3 Part 1 - Posted 9/2007 - 40 min - MP3 - 9.3 MB // The
Buddhist Eightfold Path - A Way To Happiness...
Class 2 part 1 of a ten part series of talks given
in the spring of 2007 on the Buddhist Eightfold
Path at Loyola Marymount University. This course
offers a detailed introduction to the Buddhist
Eightfold Path. The class web page can be found at: LMU
/ 07
Spring 07 - Class 2 Part 2 - Posted 9/2007 - 38 min - MP3 - 8.9 MB // The
Buddhist Eightfold Path - A Way To Happiness...
Class 2 part 1 of a ten part series of talks given
in the spring of 2007 on the Buddhist Eightfold
Path at Loyola Marymount University. This course
offers a detailed introduction to the Buddhist
Eightfold Path. The class web page can be found at: LMU
/ 07
Spring 07 - Class 2 Part 1 - Posted 9/2007 - 55 min - MP3 - 12.7 MB // The
Buddhist Eightfold Path - A Way To Happiness...
Class 2 part 1 of a ten part series of talks given
in the spring of 2007 on the Buddhist Eightfold
Path at Loyola Marymount University. This course
offers a detailed introduction to the Buddhist
Eightfold Path. The class web page can
be found at: LMU
/ 07
Spring 07 - Class 1 Part 2 - Posted 8/2007
- 52 min - MP3 - 11.9 MB // The
Buddhist Eightfold Path - A Way To Happiness... Class
1 part 2 of a ten part series of talks given in the spring of 2007 on the Buddhist Eightfold Path at
Loyola Marymount University. This course offers a
detailed introduction to the Buddhist Eightfold Path.
The class web page can be found at: LMU
/ 07
Spring 07 - Class 1 Part 1 - Posted 8/2007 - 50 min - MP3 - 11.5 MB // The
Buddhist Eightfold Path - A Way To Happiness... Class
1 part 1 of a ten part series of talks given in the spring of 2007 on the Buddhist Eightfold Path at Loyola
Marymount University. This course offers a detailed introduction
to the Buddhist Eightfold Path. The class web page can
be found at: LMU
/ 07
- A Short Video / Flash Video - Posted 8/2007 - 6 min // A short video of the International Buddhist
Meditation Center... I share some of the history of the
IBMC as we take a 6 min video tour of where I live and
John's Abbey 2 of 2 - Posted 7/2007 - 37
min - MP3 - 8.7 MB // Part
2 of my
presentation at the Monastic Institute 2007 Conference
at John's School of Theology Seminary in Collegeville,
Minnesota on Being a Buddhist in America... Each
summer the School of Theology·Seminary of
Saint John's University sponsors a Monastic Institute
to provide continuing education and spiritual enrichment
for American monastics and all interested in monastic
spirituality and practice. This year's Institute,
co-sponsored by Monastic Interreligious Dialogue, was devoted to interreligious dialogue. Among the
presenters were Dr. Ingrid Mattson, President of
the Islamic Society of North America, Kusala Bhikshu
of the International Buddhist Meditation Center
in Los Angeles, and Fr. Pierre-François
de Béthune, Secretary General of Dialogue
Interreligieux Monastique/Monastic Interreligious
Dialogue. - Monastic
Institute 2007
John's Abbey 1 of 2 - Posted 7/2007 - 37 min - MP3 - 8.7 MB // Part
1 of my presentation at the Monastic Institute 2007 Conference
at John's School of Theology Seminary in Collegeville,
Minnesota on Being a Buddhist in America... Each summer
the School of Theology·Seminary of Saint John's
University sponsors a Monastic Institute to provide continuing education and spiritual enrichment for American monastics
and all interested in monastic spirituality and practice.
This year's Institute, co-sponsored by Monastic Interreligious
Dialogue, was devoted to interreligious dialogue. Among
the presenters were Dr. Ingrid Mattson, President of
the Islamic Society of North America, Kusala Bhikshu
of the International Buddhist Meditation Center in Los
Angeles, and Fr. Pierre-François de Béthune,
Secretary General of Dialogue Interreligieux Monastique/Monastic
Interreligious Dialogue. - Monastic
Institute 2007
Beach Meditation - Posted 6/2007 - 1 hr 7 min - MP3 - 15.4 MB // My
talk on a variety of subjects to the Long Beach
Meditation Group on Sunday 6/17/2007. Long Beach
Meditation -
Margarita Catholic High School - Posted 6/2007 - 52min - MP3 - 11.9 MB // My
talk at Santa Margarita Catholic High School,
June 4, 2007. I was invited
by a member of the Los Angeles Buddhist/Catholic
Dialog to speak to his ethic's class at Santa
Margarita Catholic High School on being a Buddhist.
School / 051007 - Posted 5/2007 - 52 min - MP3 - 12.1 MB // My
Talk at Chadwick School in Palos Verdes California (
This talk, to a comparative religions class is composed
mostly of questions and answers. I was asked about a
Creation Myth in Buddhism... And found something in the
Digha Nikya, and read from the Aggañña Sutta . In this sutta the Buddha explains about the beginning
of the Earth, and the birth of the social order and its
structure. - The Agganna Sutta in
Ventura Contemplative Community #1 - Posted 5/2007 - 52 min - MP3 - 11.9 MB // Part
1 of my
presentation to the Ventura Contemplative Community on
the Five Precepts, Morality and Justice. This day long
retreat was held on April 21, 2007 at St. Catherine's-by-the-Sea
in Ventura, California. I was asked to focus in a simple,
non-technical way on the precepts, justice and morality.
The retreat was sponsored by the Ventura Contemplative Community, PO
Box 5692, Ventura, CA 93003
Reluctant Bodhisattva - Posted 4/2007 - 37 min - MP3 - 8.7 MB // My
talk at One Spirit center for conscious living in Simi
Valley, California on the ups and downs of living a life
of service. My talk centers around volunteer work and
the personal struggle of finding balance in the suffering
of others. For more info on One Spirit please visit their
web site: One Spirit
Grass - Posted 4/2007 - 8min - MP3 - 7.4 MB // Dharma
Grass is made up of Kusala Bhikshu, Michelle
Payne (
and Mark Lennon
We made our live debut as a group on 3/30/2007 at the "Peace
is Possible" Concert
held at 'One Spirit',
Center for Conscious Living in Simi Valley, California. Kusala -
rhythm guitar and harmonica... Michelle - guitar, banjo and vocals... Mark -
mandolin and vocals... Photo - from the concert... The
event poster can be viewed at: Peace
Concert Poster
High School - Posted 4/2007 - 1 hr 7 min - MP3 - 15.4 MB // My
talk at Northwood High School in Irvine, CA on basic Buddhism
to a comparative religions class.
5 Precepts / Path to Freedom - Posted 3/2007
- 26 min - MP3 - 6.1 MB // My talk at IBMC on the
five precepts. Buddhism has two types of practice, precept
practice and meditation practice. This was my talk on what
the five precepts mean to a Buddhist. -
Volunteer - Posted 2/2007 - 39 min - MP3 - 8.9 MB // My
talk to the UCLA Buddhist Club on why and how I Volunteer
as a Buddhist. The ups and downs of being a volunteer... Some stories and insights on being a Buddhist volunteer
in a California State Prison. The
UCLA Buddhist Club -
Eightfold Path - Posted 2/2007 - 27min - MP3 -
6.4 MB // My talk at the IBMC on the Buddhist Eightfold Path.
IBMC has a Sunday Service each week. It was my week to speak
and I chose the Eightfold Path. -
Are You... Really - Posted 2/2007 - 20 min
- MP3 - 4.7 MB // My talk to the UCLA Buddhist club on
2/6/2007 on 'Not Self' or "Who
are you, really." The
UCLA Buddhist club meets every Tuesday at the University
Catholic Center at UCLA. The UCLA Buddhist Club web site
is -
Grade Buddhism - Posted 1/2007 - 41 min - MP3 - 9.5 MB // My
Talk to the 8th graders of Chadwick School on basic Buddhism.
Elizabeth Timms a teacher at Chadwick School invited me to speak to her 8th graders on basic Buddhism and
answer their questions:
Buddhism - Class 4 / Part
2 - Posted 1/2007 - 56 min - MP3 - 12.5
MB // This
is Class 3, Part 1 of an
extension class I taught at Loyola
Marymount University in Los Angeles titled, "Intergrating Buddhist
Practices Into Everyday Life." This
was a four week class that went
from... Sept. 28 - Oct. 19, 2006.
It is an overview of the Buddhist
path, as well as an introduction
to a Buddhist way of life. The
web page I put together for the
class can be found at:
Buddhism - Class 4 / Part 1 - Posted 1/2007 - 27 min - MP3 - 6.7 MB // This
is Class 4, Part 1 of an extension
class I taught at Loyola Marymount
University in Los Angeles titled, "Intergrating Buddhist Practices Into
Everyday Life." This was a four
week class that went from... Sept. 28 - Oct. 19, 2006. It is an overview of the
Buddhist path, as well as an introduction to a Buddhist way of life. The web
page I put together for the class can be found at:
Buddhism - Class 3 / Part 2 - Posted 1/2007 - 43min - MP3 - 9.9 MB // This
is Class 3, Part 2 of an extension
class I taught at Loyola Marymount
University in Los Angeles titled, "Intergrating Buddhist Practices Into
Everyday Life." This was a four
week class that went from... Sept. 28 - Oct. 19, 2006. It is an overview of the
Buddhist path, as well as an introduction to a Buddhist way of life. The web
page I put together for the class can be found at:
Buddhism - Class 3 / Part 1 - Posted 12/2006 - 49 min - MP3 - 11.3
MB // This
is Class 3, Part 1 of an extension
class I taught at Loyola Marymount
University in Los Angeles titled, "Intergrating Buddhist Practices Into
Everyday Life." This was a four
week class that went from... Sept. 28 - Oct. 19, 2006. It is an overview of the
Buddhist path, as well as an introduction to a Buddhist way of life. The web
page I put together for the class can be found at:
Buddhism - Class 2 / Part 2 - Posted 12/2006 - 37 min - MP3 - 8.5 MB // This
is Class 2, Part 2 of an extension
class I taught at Loyola Marymount
University in Los Angeles titled, "Intergrating
Buddhist Practices Into Everyday Life." This
was a four week class that went from...
Sept. 28 - Oct. 19, 2006. It is an
overview of the Buddhist path, as well
an introduction to a Buddhist way of life. The web page I put together for
the class can be found at:
Buddhism - Class 2 / Part 1 - Posted 12/2006 - 1 hr 3 min - MP3 - 14.5 MB // This
is Class 1, Part 2 of an extension
class I taught at Loyola Marymount
University in Los Angeles titled, "Intergrating
Buddhist Practices Into Everyday Life." This
was a four week class that went from...
Sept. 28 - Oct. 19, 2006. It is an
overview of the Buddhist path, as well as
an introduction to a Buddhist way of life. The web page I put together for
the class can be found at:
Buddhism - Class 1 / Part 2 - Posted 12/2006 - 1 hr 3 min - MP3 - 14.5 MB // This
is Class 1, Part 2 of an extension class
I taught at Loyola Marymount
University in Los Angeles titled, "Intergrating
Buddhist Practices Into Everyday Life." This
was a four week class that went from... Sept.
28 - Oct. 19, 2006. It is an overview of the
Buddhist path, as well as
an introduction to a Buddhist way of life. The web page I put together for
the class can be found at:
Buddhism - Class 1 / Part 1 - Posted 12/2006 - 1 hr 3 min - MP3 - 14.4 MB // This
is Class 1, Part 1 of an extension class I taught at Loyola
Marymount University in Los Angeles titled, "Intergrating
Buddhist Practices Into Everyday Life." This was a
four week class that went from... Sept. 28 - Oct. 19, 2006.
It is an overview of the Buddhist path, as well as
an introduction to a Buddhist way of life. The web page I put together for
the class can be found at:
Buddhist Monks are Celibate - Posted 10/2006 - 15 min - MP3 - 3.4 MB // A
short talk given at the 'Monks in the West
II' conference on why Buddhist monks are
celibate. The Second 'Monks in the West'
gathering was held at Saint
John's Abbey in Collegeville, Minnesota from Oct. 26, to Oct. 29, 2006.
Buddhist and Catholic monastics gathered to dialogue on monastic celibacy. 'Monks
in the West' - Web Site
to Buddhism - Posted 10/2006 - 48 min - MP3 - 11.2 MB // A
presentation to Mr. Jim Maechling's comparative
religions class at Palos Verdes Peninsula High
School on basic Buddhism. I've been speaking
to Mr. Maechling's comparative religions class
for a number of years now and have always enjoyed
the experience: Jim
Maechling -- Palos Verdes
Peninsula High School
Meditate - Posted 9/2006 - 30 min - MP3 - 6.9 MB // My
answer to the question, "What are the benefits of
meditation?" This is from my ongoing Wednesday Night
class at IBMC in Los Angeles, CA. I tweaked the volume
on the question in the podcast to make it understandable.
My Wednesday Night class at IBMC is open to anyone interested
in learning more about Buddhism. For more info please go
Peace - Posted 8/2006 - 21min - MP3 - 4.8 MB // A
talk on finding peace in this ever changing world of birth,
death, growth and decay. This talk was given at True Yoga in Thousand Oaks, California.
Path to Happiness - Posted 7/2006 -
29 min - MP3 - 6.7 MB // A
talk on 'Happiness in Buddhism' given at, One Spirit
- Center of Conscious Living, in Simi Valley, California.
There is happiness in owning things, happiness
in being something and happiness in doing something
for others. This talk ends with Rev. Kusala singing "The
Eve of Destruction" and
playing some harmonica blues in the key of G... One
Spirit - Center for conscious living
States - Posted 7/2006 - 38 min - MP3 - 8.9 MB //
A talk at True Yoga... An introduction and brief
overview of the various mind states found in
some forms of meditation and the dying process.
The two reference works used were... "Preparing
for death and helping the dying" - Sangye Khadro (available on Urban Dharma
for free download - eBooks
page). And... "The
Psychedelic Experience": A Manual Based on the Tibetan Book of the
Dead - by Timothy Leary,
Ralph Metzner, and Richard Alpert aka Ram Dass.
Stories - Posted 6/2006 - 24 min - MP3 - 5.6 MB //
Two stories about the wearing and using of Buddhist
robes. Part of a talk at True Yoga on wearing
and using the Buddhist robes. You can find True
Yoga on line at:
School #2 Q&A - Posted 5/2006 - 50 min - MP3 - 10.4 MB // A
second presentation to a another class at Chadwick School
studying the Book "Siddhartha," a novel of asceticism set in the time of the Buddha. I shared my
of Buddhism and answered their many questions. This podcast is the second of
four talks I gave at Chadwick School on 5/8/2006. (
Four Immeasurables/Brahma Viharas - Posted 4/2006 - 35min - MP3 - 8.1 MB // A
talk to the UCLA Buddhist Club on THE FOUR IMMEASURABLES:
Loving-Kindness, Compassion, Sympathetic Joy and Equanimity.
After the talk we had time for Q & A... This podcast
is the talk and the Q & A. (University
Buddhist Association at UCLA)
Meditation Q & A - Posted 4/2006 - 38 min - MP3 - 8.8 MB //
Q & A
from my talk on Mindfulness Meditation at True Yoga.
There were many questions about Karma, Self and Soul
after my talk on mindfulness. This podcast contains those
questions and answers. Sorry to say I only had one mic
so the questions are hard to hear,
but the answers I gave should give you a good idea of what was being asked.
Karma, Self and Soul seem to be a sticking point for
a lot of folks new to Buddhism. I'm hoping what I had
to say on the subject adds some clarity and insight to
the question, is it OK for a Buddhist to have a Soul
or Self? (
Meditation - Posted 4/2006 - 29 min - MP3 - 6.1 MB //
A talk on Mindfulness Meditation given at "True
Yoga" in
Thousand Oaks California. My friend Ericka just
moved her True Yoga studio down the street to
a new home, with two workout areas and a very
nice main room. This was my first talk in the
new facility and I was asked to think about speaking twice a month instead of just once. I said yes,
and should start the new teaching schedule soon.
For more info on Ericka Bryant and True Yoga
please visit: (
School #1 Q&A - Posted 5/2006 - 48 min - MP3 - 10.1 MB // A
presentation to students at Chadwick School
studying the Book "Siddhartha," a
novel of asceticism set in the time of the
Buddha. I shared my understanding of Buddhism and answered their many questions. This podcast is one of the four
talks I gave at Chadwick School on 5/8/2006. (
Being a Monk - Posted 3/2006 - 49min - MP3 - 10.4 MB // Miss Timms
an 8th grade history teacher contacted me about
speaking to 8th graders on being a Buddhist and
a monk. This is the talk I gave on 3/1/2006 at
Chadwick School to the 8th grade history classes on being a Buddhist and a monk. (
Walking Meditation - Posted 2/2006 - 30 min - MP3 - 6.9 MB // A
talk on Walking Meditation given to the UCLA Buddhist
Club. I was invited to lead a walking meditation
at the Change of Heart weekend retreat (2/3 to 2/5/2006).
This talk came from that experience. (
Q & A -
Spirituality and Healing in Medicine - Posted 12/2005 - 43 min
- MP3 - 9.7 MB // Questions and answers from a workshop
at the Spirituality and Healing in Medicine Conference
- Boston,
December 2005. A variety of topics were covered... Sex,
death and dying, karma, heaven, the problem with oneness,
etc. This conference was sponsored by the Harvard Medical School Department of Continuing Education
and George Washington University. A complete list of conference presentations
can be found at: (Conference
Spiritual Journey -
UCLA Buddhist Club - Posted 1/2006 - 31 min - MP3 - 7.3 MB //
What is a spiritual journey... How do you start, what to
avoid, what to do, and how to do it. (University
Buddhist Association at UCLA)
vs Nirvana -
UCLA Buddhist Club - Posted 11/2005 - 30 min - MP3 - 7.1 MB
// Enlightenment vs Nirvana are they the same or different,
is one better than the other? A talk by Kusala Bhikshu
to the UCLA Buddhist club. (University
Buddhist Association at UCLA)
How and Why - True
Yoga - Posted 11/19/05 - 51 min - MP3 - 8.8 MB // A
talk given to a group of new yoga instructors at True Yoga
in Thousand Oaks, California on the how's and why's of meditation.
Pain and Suffering -
One Spirit - Posted 11/2005 - 33 min - MP3 - 5.6 MB // A
talk given at the One
Spirit Center for Conscious Living called, "Beyond
Pain and Suffering." After my presentation I sat in
with the house band and played some harmonica blues, then
singer, songwriter Harold
Payne performed an original blues tune. Most Cool! For more on Kusala playing
the blues harmonica go to: (Blues
Patient Health Care -
UCLA Medical Chaplains - Posted 11/2005 - 26 min - MP3 - 4.4 MB
// A talk to the UCLA Medical chaplains on Buddhist patient
care and end of life issues. This talk is 23 Min. of an hour
and a half presentation... For more on Buddhist health care
and end of life issues go to: A Guide to - (Death,
dying and good health in Buddhism)
Buddhism, Part 2 -
Bishop Montgomery High School - Posted 10/2005 - 40 min -
MP3 - 7 MB // A presentation on Basic Buddhism
to a comparative religion's class. - Part 2 (Bishop Montgomery High School)
Buddhism, Part 1 -
Bishop Montgomery High School - Posted 10/2005 - 53 min - MP3
- 9 MB // A
presentation on Basic Buddhism to a comparative religion's
class. - Part 1 (Bishop Montgomery High School)
in Everyday Life - UCLA Buddhist Club
- Posted 10/2005 - 1 hr 7 min - MP3 - 11.6 MB // A presentation
to the UCLA Buddhist club on how to understand and use
Karma in everyday life. (University
Buddhist Association at UCLA)
Podcasts on - Page 2
On page 2, Kusala
interviews some interesting people on a variety of subjects...