"Building 'American' Buddhism" - Throughout the late 20th
century, the Theravada, Mahayana, and Vajrayana
streams of Buddhism grew rapidly in the United States.
American and Asian Buddhists
built institutions and
communities of practice spanning multiple generations." -
The Pluralism Project / Harvard University
Link -

The Buddhist Way to Peace of Mind by Ven. Pramote Pamojjo
/ PDF - 129 Pages /
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The Eight Great Places of Buddhist Pilgrimage
For the majority of Buddhists, going on a pilgrimage to the holy places mentioned by the Buddha, is a once-a-lifetime undertaking. With so much time, money and effort involved, it is imperative for the intending pilgrim to truly understand what a pilgrimage is all about, especially the mental aspect, since the physical part is normally taken care of by a travel company.
A pilgrimage is a journey to a sacred place as an act of faith and devotion. In the scriptures, faith or saddha is the professing of confidence in and the sense of assurance based on understanding that one places on the Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha. It is not the blind belief based on wrong view. As ignorance is the leader of immoral mental states, so saddha is the leader of moral mental states because its chief characteristic is the purification of the mind.
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Ven. Karuna Dharma Memorial Page / Abbess of the International
Buddhist Meditation Center for 32 Years /
Ven. Karuna Dharma earned a B.A. in English at the University of California, an M.A. in Secondary Education at California State University, a second M.A. in Comparative Religions and a Doctor of Dharma in Buddhist Studies both from the University of Oriental Studies in Los Angeles, California, USA.
Ordained in 1976 as a Bhiksuni (Buddhist Nun). Her teacher was the Vietnamese Bhiksu Dr. Thich Thien-An. Together they established the International Buddhist Meditation Center, Chua Vietnam, the first Vietnamese US temple and the University of Oriental Studies. |

The Shobogenzo / Dogen
A new translation from Shasta Abby of the classic Zen text...
The Shobogenzo by
Sōtō Zen Master Eihei Dōgen.
Free Download / in PDF / 1144 pages
The Shōbōgenzō is the recognized spiritual masterpiece by the thirteenth century Japanese Sōtō Zen Master Eihei Dōgen. It is comprised of discourses that he gave to his disciples, in person or in writing, at various times between 1231 and his death twenty-two years later at age fifty-three.† These discourses cover a wide range of topics pertinent to those in monastic life though often also relevant to those training in lay life. He discusses matters of daily behavior and religious ceremonial as well as issues involving the Master-disciple relationship. He also explores the deeper meaning that informs the so-called Zen kōan stories, which often puzzle readers by their seeming illogicality and contrary nature.
A Buddhist Guide to Death, Dying and Suffering
Audio / eBooks / Articles / Free Download /
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"Good health is simply the slowest way a human being can die." -
author unknown

Buddhism: A Look Into
the Beliefs, Practices & History - by Dallen Nakamura /
Click Here
Urban Dharma: '20
Years of Buddhist Stories from an LA City Monk'
@ Amazon and Barnes & Noble

"Good morning! I just wanted to
let you know that I finished the last page of your book,
and it was such a beautiful read.
Truth be told, I couldn’t put it down. It gave me a lot to
think about, and it was also just a darn good yarn.
Thank you for writing it" - Kojun
The Urban
Dharma Book Page

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