Gethsemani III “Monasticism and the Environment,” was the theme of the third Buddhist/Catholic encounter sponsored by Monastic Interreligious Dialogue and held at Gethsemani Abbey in Kentucky May 27-31, 2008. Forty Buddhists and Catholics, most of them monastic men and women, gathered at this renowned Trappist abbey to reflect on and share with one another the environmental wisdom to be found in their monastic teachings and practices.
--- --- ---
Flash Video of the Closing Environmental Monastic Statement.
The G-3 particpants walked from the Abbey Gethsemani to
Thomas Merton's hermitage to read the statement. Two
songs by Rev. Heng Sure make up the sound track.
Flash Video (10 min) - Click Here
The Destructive Effects of Modern Technology
On the Environment and Society
As Seen by Thomas Merton
#1 / MP3 / 10 mb / 47 min / Click Here
Father Ezekiel Lotz OSB
Mount Angel Abbey, Saint Benedict, Oregon
The world in which we live
What Is Science Telling Us Today
#2 / Part 1 / MP3 / 12 mb / 53 min / Click-Here
#2 / Part 2 / MP3 / 18 mb / 1 hr 19 min / Click-Here
*Dr. Stephanie Kaza's - "Power Point Presentation in PDF" - 6.1 mb / Click Here
Dr. Stephanie Kaza
University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont
Buddhist and Christian understandings
of the world and our place in it: religious vision and ethical
choices Interrelatedness, Interdependence, Dependent Origination
#3 / MP3 / 5 mb / 23 min / Click Here
Ajahn Punnadhammo
Arrow River Hermitage, Thunder Bay, Ontario
The World as Created, Fallen, and Redeemed
#4 / MP3 / 8 mb / 35 min / Click Here
Father James Wiseman OSB
Saint Anselm’s Abbey, Washington DC
How monastic rules speak of the world and our life in it:
Bringing new awareness to ancient yet living documents. The Patimokkha/Pratimoksha
(Theravada) and The Ten Major and Forty-eight Subsidiary Bodhisattva Precepts
From the “Net of Brahma” Sutra (Mahayana)
#5 / MP3 / 10 mb / 45 min / Click Here
Rev. Heng Sure
Berkeley Buddhist Monastery, Berkeley, California
The Rule of Benedict
# 6 / MP3 / 5 mb / 22 min / Click Here
Sister Judith Sutera OSB
Mount Saint Scholastica Monastery, Atchison, Kansas
Monasticism vis-à-vis the consumer society:
The Monastic Instinct to Revere, to Conserve,
To Be Content with Little, and to Share
#7 / MP3 / 9 mb / 41 min / Click Here
Rev. Eko Little
Shasta Abbey, Mount Shasta, California
Simplicity of Life
# 8 / MP3 / 8 mb / 37 min / Click Here
Father Charles Cummings, OCSO
Holy Trinity Monastery, Huntsville, Utah
Bad Practices Hidden or Justified by Ideology
#9 / MP3 / 11 mb / 50 min / Click Here
Ayya Tathaaloka Bhikkhuni
Dhammadharini Vihara, Freemont, California
Bad Practices Hidden or Justified by Ideology
#10 / MP3 / 6 mb / 25 min / Click Here
Father Hugh Feiss OSB
Monastery of the Ascension, Jerome, Idaho
The environmental practices of American monastic
communities... Good Practices, Ancient and Emerging
#11 / MP3 / 10 mb / 44 min / Click Here
Ven. Thubten Semkye
Sravasti Abbey, Newport, Washington
The environmental practices of American monastic
communities... Good Practices, Ancient and Emerging
#12 / MP3 / 6 mb / 26 min / Click Here
Sister Renée Branigan OSB
Sacred Heart Monastery, Richardton, North Dakota

Being a Monk - Part 9 -
Posted 11/2006 - 31 min - MP3 - 7.1 MB // My
interview with Ven. Ajahn Sudanto a monk
from the Abhayagiri Buddhist Monastery, the first monastery
in the United States to be established by followers of Ajahn
Chah. Efforts to establish this California monastery moved
slowly until 1995. As Ven. Master Hsüan Hua, abbot of
the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas, located in Ukiah, California,
approached his death, he instructed his disciples to deed
over to Ajahn Chah's disciples 120 acres of forest in Redwood
Valley, fifteen miles north of the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas.
On several occasions
Master Hua had made a point of stating that it had been the dream of his life
to bring the northern and southern traditions of Buddhism
back together again. - http://www.abhayagiri.org/

Being a Monk - Part 8 -
Posted 11/2006 - 1 hr 3 min - MP3 - 14.5 MB // My
Interview with Rev. Heng Sure the Abbot
of the Berkeley Buddhist Monastery in Berkeley, CA. Both
Rev. Heng Sureand myself attended the second "Monks
in the West" Conference... We found some free time and did this interview...
Rev. Heng Sure talked about the conference, celibacy and his first CD of original
Buddhist folk songs... More on Rev.
Heng Sure at - http://paramita.typepad.com/ -
and - Music in
the Dharma

A Difference - Part 3 -
Posted 10/2006 - 49 min - MP3 - 11.4 MB // My interview
with Rev.
Sandra Yarlott, Director of the UCLA
Medical Center Spiritual Care Dept... Rev. Yarlott
speaks on the challenges of running a Spiritual Care Dept. in Los Angeles...
The importance
of training new hospital chaplains and some of the religious issues patients
face in getting well or dying. For more information on the UCLA Medical Center
- Spiritual
Care Dept

Making A Difference - Part 2 -
Posted 9/2006 - 1hr 11min - MP3 - 16.3 MB // My
interview with Dr. Ananda W.P. Guruge, Dean
of Academic Affairs and Director of the International Academy
of Buddhism at the University
of the West in Rosemead,
CA. Dr. Guruge was kind and gracious in allowing me to interview him and consented
to do another interview in the near future. His web site is: www.Ananda-Guruge.com

Being a Monk - Part 7 - Posted 8/2006 - 1hr
21min - MP3 - 18.7 MB // My
interview with Rev. Nori Ito a priest at The
Los Angeles Higashi Honganji Buddhist Temple. We talk about
his life and work as a priest at a Pure Land Temple in Los
Angeles. Growing up in Los Angeles as a Buddhist Japanese American,
his school years, meeting his wife and his Buddhist ordination.
How he started a Buddhist
club at Occidental College, his work with the Los Angeles Buddhist/Catholic
Dialogue and taking students to Hiroshima and Nagasaki to introduce them
to the horrors of the atomic bomb and nuclear war. Web Site: Higashi
Honganji Buddhist Temple

A Difference -
Posted 7/2006 - 41min - MP3 - 9.4 MB // My
interview with Ericka Bryant the owner
of True Yoga in Thousand Oaks, California. She talks
about how she came to yoga, religion and spirituality,
a 16 day yoga retreat she just returned from and how
to start a yoga practice. Rev. Kusala speaks the 1st
3rd Saturday of each month at True
Yoga from 9:00 AM
to 10:30 AM.

Being a Monk - Part 6 -
Posted 6/2006 - 1hr 04min - MP3 - 14.5 MB //
My interview with Father Alexei Smith...
Director of the Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs
Office of the Los Angeles Archdiocese. Father Alexei
and his office is the resource most used by the Archbishop
and the various offices of the Archdiocese in matters
of ecumenical and interreligious issues. You
can find out more about Father Alexei and his work with the L.A. Buddhist/Catholic
Dialogue at: Los
Angeles Buddhist/Catholic Dialogue
On Being a Monk - Part 5c -
Posted 6/2006 - 1hr 01min - MP3 - 14 MB // This
is part 3 of 3... My interview with Roshi Wendy
'Egyoku' Nakao,
abbot of the Zen Center of Los Angeles. Since 1967, ZCLA / Buddha Essence Temple
has provided the teachings and practice of Zen Buddhism
to all who come and go through its temple gate. The core
practice is zazen. Visit the ZCLA web site at: www.zencenter.org

Being a Monk - Part 5b -
Posted 6/2006 - 1hr 43min - MP3 - 19.4 MB // This
is part 2 of 3... My interview with Roshi Wendy
'Egyoku' Nakao,
abbot of the Zen Center of Los Angeles. Since 1967, ZCLA / Buddha Essence Temple
has provided the teachings and practice of Zen Buddhism
to all who come and go through its temple gate. The core
practice is zazen. Visit the ZCLA web site at: www.zencenter.org

Being a Monk - Part 5a -
Posted 6/2006 - 43min - MP3 - 9.9 MB // This
is part 1 of 3... My interview with Roshi
Wendy 'Egyoku' Nakao,
abbot of the Zen Center of Los Angeles. Since 1967, ZCLA / Buddha Essence Temple
has provided the teachings and practice of Zen Buddhism
to all who come and go through its temple gate. The
core practice is zazen. Visit the ZCLA web site at: www.zencenter.org

Being a Monk - Part 4 -
Posted 4/2006 - 1hr 16min - MP3 - 17.5 MB My
interview with Ven. Tenzin Kacho a Tibetan
Buddhist nun on being a Buddhist, a nun and a hospital
chaplain. On April 1, 2006 I went to Long Beach, California
to interview my friend Ven. Tenzin Kacho. The interview
turned out to be a little longer than expected, but her
journey as a nun is filled with so many interesting twists
and turns it could have been three times as long. Her
temple web site is (www.tdling.com)

Being a Monk - Part 3 - Posted 3/2006 - 33min
- MP3 - 7.5 MB // My interview with the web master of
BuddhaNet.net Ven.
Pannyavaro on
being a Buddhist, a monk, a web master and his new project "Bodhi Tree" monastery
and retreat center. I first met Ven. Pannyavaro in 1998 at the World Fellowship
of Buddhist conference in Australia and again a few weeks ago at UCLA. I asked
him if I could interview him about his web site, his new project "Bodhi
Tree," how he found Buddhism and why he became a monk. Many thanks to Ven.
Pannyavaro for his time, his wisdom and his web site. (www.BuddhaNet.net)

Being a Monk - Part 2 - Posted 3/2006 - 52min
- MP3 - 10.8 MB // My interview with Rev. Eko
Little the
abbot of Shasta Abbey a Zen Buddhist monastery, on what
it's like to be a Buddhist, a monk and the abbot. Many
thanks to Rev. Eko for his time and wisdom. For more
on Shasta Abbey please visit: (www.ShastaAbbey.org) also
see (Monastic Conference)