Nuns in the West 1 / 2003

The MID (Monastic Interreligious Dialogue) sponsored a gathering of "Nuns in the West" May 23-26, 2003 hosted by Ven.
Yifa at Hsi lai Temple in Hacienda Heights, CA. The event was recommended by the nuns who participated
life at Gethsemani Encounter II, April 2002. 30 nuns gathered for dialogue on how to cultivate
spiritual values in this world we call the 'West'. In dialogue 'East' often refers to the inner
and 'West' to the outer life. What does it mean when Western nuns who have
gone more contemplative and tending to their inner life and eastern
nuns have come west and are now socially
engaged in apostolic work.
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Nun in the West 1 / Click Here
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